Woman looking in mirror inspecting skin and touching cheek with bathroom products on the wall

Acne Lesson 9: Why Your Skin Isn’t Clearing Up or Staying Clear

When your skin isn’t getting clear in the typical amount of time, we want to become “acne detectives” to discover what may be hindering your progress. There are several areas that we address to find out what the culprits may be. Listed below are the most common reasons why clients have difficulty getting, or staying, clear. Simple changes to your product usage and lifestyle habits can often lead to dramatic improvements in your skin.

Product Usage

You have at least a 90% chance of getting clear if you use your products exactly as we tell you to use them. The products do most of the work of clearing up your skin for you. Here are some reasons your skin might not be clearing in regards to product usage:

  • Are you using your products inconsistently or skipping your routine?
  • Do you regularly run out of products?
  • Do you check in with us to adjust your routine at two-week intervals?
  • Do you change your routine without consulting your acne specialist first?
  • Are you using any products that your acne specialist does not know about?
  • Are you using comedogenic makeup?
  • Are you using comedogenic hair care products?
  • Are you taking the supplements recommended by your acne specialist?

Lifestyle Habits

Here are several lifestyle issues we went over in your consultation and previous acne lessons that are worth repeating. These may be contributing to your chronic breakouts:

  • Are you using fabric softener or dryer sheets in the washer and/or the dryer?
  • Are you consuming dairy/soy products: milk, cheese, yogurt, and/or whey or soy protein shakes?
  • Are you consuming sushi, seaweed, iodized salt, peanuts, or peanut butter?
  • Are you taking vitamins or supplements that may contain iodides?
  • Are you currently taking any medications, smoking (including cigarettes, cannabis, or vaping), or have any medical conditions that you haven’t yet disclosed to us?
  • Do you regularly wear hats, helmets, or shoulder pads?
  • Are you under a period of heightened stress or experiencing high stress in your daily life?
  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Are you on birth control pills or other hormonally-based birth control?

We’re Here To Help

If the cause of your acne flare-up isn’t evident to you after reviewing these lists, please reach out to your acne specialist immediately for personalized support. We’re in this together! We’ll review your current situation and determine where adjustments need to be made. Clear, radiant skin is possible!

Head to Lesson 10 for tips on clear skin maintenance.>>>