young woman with breakouts pointing to cheek

Acne Lesson 3: How Long Does It Take To Get Rid of Acne?

Are you ready to get started on your clear skin journey? We’re here for it! But before we dig in, let’s do a quick review of what acne actually is.

If you recall from Lesson 1, acne is a genetic condition called retention hyperkeratosis. Here’s how it works:

  • Every day, a layer of dead skin cells sheds inside your pores. Typically, these dead skin cells are pushed out from behind by newer cells rising to the surface of your skin. These dead cells then flake off on their own in a normal, healthy pore.
  • In people with acne, this continuous skin-shedding process goes a bit haywire. Acne-prone skin produces up to five times more dead cells than usual. When the dead skin cells aren’t removed, they remain on the surface of your skin and clog your pores.
  • As bacteria and oil, or sebum, mix with the plug of dead skin cells within the pore, a blemish develops.
  • Remember that it can take about 90 days for acne to develop beneath your skin to appear as a pimple. Even though you might have an amazing acne-clearing skincare routine now, it will take time for the infection in your ways to clear. The key is to be consistent and know that clear skin is on its way!

How long will it take my acne treatment to work?

Now that you're using the right skincare products (and hopefully making appropriate diet and lifestyle changes as well), our acne products and personalized protocol will keep new acne from forming. Had you done nothing at all, you would have seen new breakouts happening 90 days from now. If you follow the protocol from your acne specialist consistently, your acne should be under control in about 3-6 months in most cases. Of course, your results will also depend upon your type of acne, as some types can take longer to clear up.

For the most part, how long it takes to get rid of acne is up to you. Whether that means remembering to remove makeup and wash your face before bed when you'd rather go to sleep, or perhaps making better food choices that support clear skin, it's going to require a daily commitment. Are you up for the challenge? The fantastic results and confidence that come from presenting your best face to the world are definitely worth it!

Take the Clear Skin Challenge

If you're serious about having clear skin, then it's time for you to take the challenge. In the beginning, your new acne treatment regimen will take some getting used to. Your skin might show signs of adjusting to benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or other correctives at first, which your acne specialist can support you through. With time, your skin will adapt to your acne protocol, and it will be time to change it up. Just as your muscles acclimate to a new fitness routine and your results begin to plateau, the same occurs with your skin.

If you've tried to cure yourself of acne using home remedies, antibiotics, or over-the-counter acne products in the past, then you might have experienced temporary improvement only to lose progress after a while. This is the time to switch up your daily skincare protocol so that your skin is continually challenged to improve. Don't worry. If you're working with your acne specialist, she will tell you exactly what changes you need to make and when. Before long, you'll be your own skincare expert!

What does the Clear Skin Challenge look like?

If you're committed to taking the Clear Skin Challenge, you'll be checking in with your acne specialist every two weeks. They'll take a look at your progress and any areas where you might need some extra support. If your skin is ready to go to the next level, the concentration of your acne correctives will be increased and/or new products may be introduced into your skincare routine. Then, it's up to you to stick to the plan! By treating that acne that's already forming beneath your skin's surface and preventing new acne lesions from forming at the same time, you're breaking the acne cycle!

Continually challenging your skin is the key to stopping acne in its tracks. This strategy is the reason behind the 90% success rate we see with our acne clients. You no longer need to suffer through the pain and struggle that acne brings into your life. Our personalized approach to acne treatment, combined with your commitment to clear skin, is sure to bring you the results you've been hoping for. Your before and after pictures are going to be proof of all your hard work and determination!

As you already know, the Clear Skin Challenge isn't just about washing your face regularly. There are likely to be some diet and lifestyle adjustments that you'll need to make. Although your acne specialist will explain all of this to you, it's also helpful to refer to these important changes as you progress in your clear skin journey.

Get started with an AOS Acne Specialist.

See Lesson 4 to learn how diet affects acne. >>>