Acne Lesson 10: Now That Your Skin Is Clear
Congratulations—you did it! All of your hard work and commitment have paid off, and your skin is clear at last. Now, your new goal is to keep it that way! Complying with the following points will help your skin stay as clear as possible. You have worked hard to get clear, and you deserve to stay that way.
- Continue to use your home care products just as you have throughout your treatment. This is critical and the single most important thing you can do to remain clear! Remember, acne is never cured, only controlled. It's the faithful use of your products that will keep your skin clear and healthy.
- Stress is a key aggravating factor of acne. If you begin to break out again, assess your stress levels and be sure to get plenty of sleep. Read our blog on stress and acne here.
- Drink lots of water and watch out for iodine-containing foods (kelp/seaweed, most salty foods, sports bars/drinks), avoid peanut products, and limit dairy consumption.
- Make sure to check the ingredients of any cosmetic or personal care products for the presence of pore-clogging ingredients. Refer to the list in Lesson 6.
- If you start breaking out again (and you’ve been using your products consistently), let us know so we can adjust your routine as needed.
- Avoid using fabric softeners (liquids or dryer sheets).
- Avoid anything that creates heat or friction on the skin. This includes resting your face in your hand, wearing caps and visors, backpack straps, excessive use of hot tubs or saunas, etc.
- Wear your acne-safe sunscreen EVERY DAY. Reapply every two hours throughout the day.
- Remember that we’re always here for you. Just because your skin is clear doesn’t mean that you’re going it alone. We’re available to provide recommendations and advice anytime.
Want to learn more? Check out our articles on acne in the blog.>>>